Thursday, September 30, 2010

life's not so bad after all

Put on your running shoes, you've rested enough,
its time to run the journey of life. :)

Thank youu for putting up my frowns & cries. :)) x

its been a hectic week for me. I have been down for how many times this week. A big thanks to those who put up with my frowns & cries. :) youu all know who youu are. Other than that, Makan angin, who has been one of the best accompany i ever have, thanks for being patient with me when i was simply just throwing frisbee plate everywhere direction when i wasnt in a mood. Thanks for being like a brother to me. Thank youu for my housemates & those who helped me through when my leg's sprained, when i could barely move. Thank youu for those who made me laugh, even for those who didnt know they did, youu all did. :))

I know, you're thinking whyy are youu saying thank youu?
Because i appreciate them in my life.
when i thought i am alone, the fact i am not. :)
i dont have photos with youu all yet, so i didnt upload any,
but i do remember yoouu all in the bottom of my heart. ;DD.

Last but not least,
i thank the LORD, for HIS amazing ways, for making a way, for holding me on, for giving me strength, for bringing friends here when i have no where to run, for bringing me this far. Even if now how hard life is, I know HE is always with me, to bring me through all.

Its gonna be another week forr me, time goes with a flow. gonna make the best out of everything. :DD.

chyi :))

Thursday, September 23, 2010

thats just life :))

hello :DD
its been a while i have been here. :P. blame it on my busy busy life. :DD. actually is my fault. i procrastinate too much, that i leave my assignments till the last minute, when i know there's still more coming. :P. life's been pretty packed, with sports & assignments. had my first journalism assignment the other day, which was pretty pressuring. cause we had a press conference, write a report news on it, then rushed to print. we only had 2 hours to do so. & we had to run to hand it in. Apparently, it was raining at that time, so it was unlucky for us. D: but overall, it was an experience. there are so many to tell, due to my lack of writing, but but i am too lazy. :DD.. OHHH. & i gained weight. some of youu may be surprise, some of youu may know thats going to happen. apparently i went from 48 kg to 53 now. :DD. be surprised. blame it on my never ending hunger. ): HAHA. too much supper everynight. :P. please dont ask me whether i want to go forr supper anymore. :DD. on second thought, i still do want to go. i will get hungry ): then i cannot DO my assignments. alasan! :D

so, just some pictures, for some of the random moments :)) yes, this is how lazy i am. :DD.

youu got monopoly deal? ;D

dress-alike-twins ;)

ultimate! :D

editing on the beat assignment :D

curtin open day. CV booth ;D

more pictures on facebook. am too lazy to post. :P

went to burn lantern yesterday, during mooncake festivals with a couple of friends. went to release stress, my thoughts on assignments. :DD. had fun though :D.

the rest are in facebook. check em' out. :)

chyi :))

Sunday, September 5, 2010


i know i haven blogged a long long time, but yeah i have been busy with assignments & packed with playing sports. what has gone into me? :D

anywoots, i am having free week starting from tomorrow for one whole week. But i cant go back Brunei, cause i have assignments to do. D: & i am panicking, okay not really, but yeah, i procastinate my work. :P. nooo, gonna start being hardworking tomorrow. :))

i can do it i can do it. :P

or not....

i am just too lazy ):
i need to talk to youu ):

chyi :))